ever heard of the 187ci clan?
if not, that's a clan that creats supposibly the best bf2 hacks out there for free and for a price, my old clan =HOG= and I have taken a closer look at the 187ci clan and looked at the hacks and broke them down, and they have over 500+ hacks out there, and we've/they have only looked at a smudge of that of a number of 50 hacks that they have, and out of those 50 hacks they all had a encripted keylog to the xfire to give out the password and the account name, and name spoof it later, as from reading the forums that they have on their website and on a special website that they have, they have 2 people that have worked for xfire and still have access to it. as for the hacks, there may be wall hack, aimbot, 50x zoom,etc.