I owe you huge apologies for the TK's today. I am truly sorry they occurred. You have played in our server and with me many times and I hope you know that I would never intentionally tk another player.
Among the many problems I've been having with BF2 recently, from jumpy lag to screen minimizing to the constant sounds of transport choppers and tanks right off my shoulder, I realized today that I am also seeing friendly players in red, which is the reason for the Tk's today. Every time I saw you your name appeared in RED.
When you asked "What's your problem?" I actually thought you were playing around with me after I had killed you twice while not realizing that I was actually TKing you and didn't put two and two together until after the game when I saw that you were, in fact, on my team.
I hope you will take me at my word, accept my apologies and continue to be a welcomed player/guest on our server.
You have all my respect as a player and a gentleman.
Yours very truly,
=***= DogfighterI